Rostrata Primary School has adopted a whole school approach to teaching English through the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model

Experienced & Committed Staff

Our English blocks ensure teaching is explicit, learning is inclusive and that concepts, skills and processes are continuously developed upon.

Our teaching and learning programs are explicit and integrate the three strands of the WA English curriculum, Language, Literature and Literacy. All students have the opportunity to consolidate learning through guided, collaborative and independent activities. Learning is differentiated and personalised to ensure all students progress in listening, reading, viewing, writing and creating.

Speaking and Listening is explicitly taught and provides all students the opportunity to succeed in writing through direct scaffolding and visible feedback. Reading strategies are explicitly taught through Reading Blocks and guided reading allows opportunities for targeted teacher support in small groups.

K-Y2 follow the synthetic phonics program ‘Letters and Sounds’ and Y3-6 receive instruction in 'Spelling Mastery' an explicit instruction approach to spelling development. Students from Kindy to Year 6 also engage in an explicit vocabulary program to support their reading development. Rostrata has aligned its approach to teaching literacy with the research base on 'The Big Six of Literacy'; oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. You can read a parent friendly guide to the 'Big Six of Literacy' here.

Home Reading is highly valued. Developing fluency is promoted through the changing of weekly home readers, which should be read repeatedly. As with all home reading, these texts are not meant to be challenging but aligned with their current reading level to promote fluency and improve comprehension. They have been set by the teacher to help children consolidate what they have learned in class and to promote the enjoyment of reading. Library books are also available to all students. 

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